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Canberra 3 Day Kids Yoga Teacher Training – May 2019

Training by  Rainbow Yoga
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On-Site / Training
Ended last May 19, 2019
AUD  785.00


This is a comprehensive certification in yoga and mindfulness practices for children and young people aged 2 to 18 years. Graduates leave our course equipped with tools to help children and young people connect to themselves, their family, at school and within their communities.

Be immersed in 3 days of yoga, acrobatics, games, play, practical theory, discussion, community, connection and lots of fun! Graduate with immediate tangible knowledge and inspiring ideas to create captivating yoga experiences for kids of all ages, anywhere in the world! There are no pre-requisites for this course and you do not need previous yoga experience or to be a qualified yoga teacher.  

For more details and booking, click on the link below:



No. of Days: 3
Total Hours: 28
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Rainbow Yoga is all about connection; connecting to yourself, to the world and to the people around you. Connecting in all of those ways changes the world!

We are social animals and we crave connection. We want to feel that we belong, we don’t want to be lonely. We want to touch, to share, to give and receive love. That’s what Rainbow Yoga is all about!

The yoga we create is communal, interactive and fun!

Rainbow Yoga celebrates life and brings people together! The old paradigm of yoga is practicing on your own, on your own individual yoga mat, for your own self-realisation and for your own self development, whether physical, mental or spiritual.

The new paradigm that we present is social yoga. Instead of contracting and going within to plug into life and find happiness, we expand to connect and weave into everything around us. This creates a real sense of aliveness. We thrive as we grow and open to a life and yoga that is much more fulfilling.

In Rainbow Yoga we connect with touch, we massage, we hug, we dance, we move together. We co-create the class in a magical way that creates a playful space for everybody to feel loved and nurtured.

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